As of a few days ago I am now a querying author! My book, UNDER THE BUBBLE is finished and rewritten and edited and beta read and edited and read again and last touches added. I've sent 5 queries so far.
Querying takes time and effort. It's not like I can send a letter to a dozen agents and bcc the email. It's not one shot for all. If you are doing it that way, you might be in trouble. I'm looking at their website, books, all sorts of things. The least amount of pages I've sent is 5. The most (so far) is 25. Some agents ask for pages, others want chapters.
I won't post names of agents here but I'll try to keep you updated on my journey.
One agency is known for reading their queries ASAP and responding to the author in a timely manner. That rejection has already come in.
I have a query spreadsheet so I won't make mistakes (hopefully.) Heaven forbid I query the same agent twice.